You may feel at some point or at a few points in your life that you have been really down, you’ve felt miserable or thought you may be unable to cope with a situation. Thing is we have all felt like this at one point or another, depression and anxiety when diagnosed however means you can’t just snap out of it or feel better a few days later.

But what if those feelings don’t leave you? What if you wake every day and feel depressed? What if every time you’re in a big store you feel panic? Firstly we can look at depression as being depressed and anxiety are 2 different things with different symptoms and have different ways of being dealt with as well.

If someone is diagnosed as depressed or is said to be clinically depressed then they have to realize that this is because there is a chemical imbalance in the brain and things aren’t working as they should along with the stresses and strains and worry that person may also be going through. It can affect people in many ways and some won’t even want to face the world meaning they have to have time off work.

Anxiety is different to depression and gives the sufferer different problems. Some often explain that they have panic attacks and very often feel uncomfortable and sometimes even paranoid. Tied in with this they may worry so much that it causes other stress related illnesses making life even harder for them and those around them.

Anxiety and Depression

For depression there are many things that can help, some doctors will try alternative methods before deciding to put someone on actual medication. This may include counseling or therapy based sessions that get to the route of the problem and look at ways of how to work round it or eliminate the problems that trigger the depression.

This type of therapy also really assists those who suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is often triggered by something or a certain situation that may remind the person of a time when they were stressed or unable to cope and it can manifest itself in the form of a panic attack where the patient can feel as if they’re losing control.

There is something called cognitive behavior therapy that has started to be used more and more to treat these kinds of illnesses that has proven to be really effective. Especially for depression and anxiety, it looks at pathways and processes that bring the patient to feel that way in the first place.

For example someone could be depressed and using therapy they may find out that looking back they feel they have gone onto the wrong career path and ultimately it is their work that is depressing them. So a suggestion to get onto a different career path may help them. For someone who has panic attacks in large stores they may realize that they were once lost as a kid in a large store and that kick starts the panic. Sometimes knowing the basis of our fears and worries can help us to control and even eliminate them. You can find more information anxiety depression

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